Endless Possibilities

Endless Possibilities

Marcie and the Boyfriend of her youth have found each other again as adults.

But they are challenged by a life situation that is keeping them apart

A Challenge of physical separation with no short term solution is sight.

Marcie wanted to create a new story for themEndless Futures B&W Pencil Portrait Marci Thrasher - Mike Kitchens 0727014 Post

A story of endless possibilities

And for our first collaboration – that is what we have done …..

Created a portrait of them driving off together into a future of endless possibilities

by Mike Kitchens of Timeless Family Arts


….Here I sit all alone in the place where I once sat with you.

As I sit here with tears rolling down my face, all alone, thinking of you, and

Where we’d be, what pleasures would unfold.  Here I sit all alone without you.

I sit here all alone thinking about you and as I sit

You appear, making all my dreams come true.


By Fee


“Listen to the mustn’ts, child. Listen to the don’ts. Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibilities, the won’ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me …..Anything can happen, child. Anything can be”.


by Shel Silverstein